2505 East Grant Road
Tucson AZ 85716
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Tucson AZ 85716
Corporate Phone Number:
[fac_icon icon=”phone-square”] (520) 881-2525Social Media Information:
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Average Rating: 1.0 out of 5 (1 votes)
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Ripped off
My daughter bought a used car and I paid to have it detailed at the Ina location of Classic Car Spa. That location closed before we could have it done. I called Grant Road which is a ways from us to see about a refund they said I’d have to talk to the boss. Anyway I’ve been trying to call now for some time. The phone number either keeps ringing or it says it’s not available at this time so I have no way of getting a hold of them. They still owe me $100 or a car detail service.
7 years ago
Review Classic Car Spa.
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